First, you have to check out that hottie ^ there! Sorry, sorry he’s all mine! Ok now on to the important stuff!
I have to admit I haven’t done a good job of this since I’ve been pregnant. There are all of these crazy hormones and an overwhelming sense of sleepiness. One of the things I’m most looking forward to after the baby is born is feeling more like myself and investing more into my marriage relationship. My hubby certainly deserves it!
I was brainstorming the other day like I often do. Ask anyone that knows me, I get SUPER quiet. I started wondering what more I could do as a wife to be a best friend to my husband. Although it’s not an excuse, our circumstances were a little bit different from how most marriages begin. We started out with a young child right from the beginning. After a little bit of discussion we decided why not have another since there was already one little sweetie in the picture… hence getting pregnant on our honeymoon! Anyone that has children will agree it’s a little bit harder to have that one on one friendship time when you are wiping butts, cleaning spaghetti mouths, and chauffeuring munchkins all over the place. Despite all of that awesomeness, I believe in investing in my marriage and I believe you should too.
These are a few of the ways I think we could all grow closer to our spouse and continue to be their best friend:
1 // Play Together- We should find out what intrigues our love and invest in doing those things along side them. Yes, that even means playing the Xbox or for you guys watching a romance!
2 // Get Excited- When they talk, you should listen. Go a step further then listening and really get excited about what they are sharing. They chose YOU to share it with.
3 // Know their weaknesses- Know their faults and love them anyway. You have lots of them too! I’m not the most pleasant morning person, but Paul excuses my behavior because he knows that.
4 // Affirm- Make them feel like the amazing human being that they are. Everyone wants and needs to be lifted up!
5 // Forgiveness & Grace- This is a HUGE one! We are given grace and forgiveness daily even though we do NOT deserve it. Try giving a little bit of that to your spouse. None of us are perfect so lets not keep track of the bad.
6 // Keep God center- Although I’ve listed it last, this is the MOST important one. Using hindsight I can ALWAYS see when God was not first in our lives nothing really came together. This means investing in your relationship with God first and foremost. Two people who love the Lord and daily spend time with Him are two people who can’t help but love unconditionally!
I hope these in some way help to make your marriage or future marriage better. It is a blessing to me to not only photograph amazing couples but to be able to invest in their lives and their marriages. Let me know if you have anything to add!